join the after school program!
Our program features small-group instruction in a number of high-interest topics!
Throughout 2023-2024, your son can enjoy learning and practicing new skills in Chess Club, Mandarin, French and Frassati Society. Reserve your space with the form to the right or call 617-868-8658.

This program is for boys in grades 3-8.
It is staffed by SPCS faculty.

An after school program in Harvard Square for boys interested in critical thinking, small extracurricular classes, and new skills.

Located at Saint Paul's Choir School in Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts

3:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday every week, school holidays excepted

We are sharing our atmosphere of camaraderie and our expertise in programs for children.

unique programming
Join us after school!
Study hall: Mon 3:15-5:00
Supervised Study
Monitored by SPCS faculty & community members
Work groups
Opportunities to meet with teachers for tutoring

$200 per half year

Visual Arts: Tues 3:15-5:00
Sketching, painting, and a variety of mediums
Still-life, action, and creative, etc. compositions
Expand your critical thinking by reconstructing the world around you!
$200 per
half year

french: Tues & Wed 3:15-5:00 beginner
Tues & Wed 3:15-5:00 advanced
Learn French with ability-level cohorts
immersive and interactive instructional model
Recite French poetry and great works!
$300 per

study hall: Tues 3:15-5:00
Supervised Study
Monitored by SPCS faculty & community members
Work groups
Opportunities to meet with teachers for tutoring
$200 per
half year

chess: Wed 2:30-3:15 beginner
Wed 3:15-4:00 advanced
Led by Chess Master Steven Winer
Combination of direct instruction and play
Learn advanced strategies
Learn moves specific to stages of the game
Hone skills by playing with other students
$300 per
half term
french: Tues & Wed 3:30-5:00 beginner
Tues & Wed 3:30-5:00 advanced
Learn French with ability-level cohorts
immersive and interactive instructional model
Recite French poetry and great works!

$300 per
half term
Study hall: Wed 2:30-5:00
Supervised Study
Monitored by SPCS faculty & community members
Work groups
Opportunities to meet with teachers for tutoring

$200 per
half year

recess & study hall: thurs 3:15-5:00
Supervised Study
Monitored by SPCS faculty & community members
Work groups
Opportunities to meet with teachers for tutoring
$200 per
half year (non-choristers)
Frassati Society: FRI 3:15-5:00
Provides student government opportunities
Coordinates community service activities
Study hall to complete homework
Opportunity for quiet reading
Board games and community building


Mandarin: Mon & Fri 3:15-5:00
Designed for beginners and those with experience
Explores topics of school life and culture
Learn about (and taste!) a variety of food and cooking
Explore the mid-autumn festival, lunar new year, and Chinese calligraphy
$300 per term
Study hall: Fri 3:15-5:00
Supervised Study
Monitored by SPCS faculty & community members
Work groups
Opportunities to meet with teachers for tutoring