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annual fund giving Support Levels
$10,000 - Theodore Marier Society
The Theodore Marier Society honors the founder of the Choir School and the architect of the music program at Saint Paul Parish. Members will be invited to a special dinner with the Pastor, Headmaster and Director of Music at St. Paul’s Choir School. In addition, they will receive ten complimentary tickets to the Annual Christmas and Spring Concerts and will be invited to the reception following these concerts.
$5,000 - John Dunn Society
The John Dunn Society celebrates the second Music Director of the Choir School. Longtime associate of Theodore Marier, John Dunn was associated with the Choir School at its founding and served as Music Director for twenty-two years. Benefactors will be invited to a special dinner with the Pastor, Headmaster and Director of Music at St. Paul’s Choir School. In addition, they will receive eight complimentary tickets to the Annual Christmas and Spring Concerts and will be invited to the reception following the concerts.
$3,000 - Richard Cardinal Cushing Society
The Richard Cardinal Cushing Society acknowledges both the blessing and financial support given by the late Cardinal Archbishop of Boston to the Choir School when it was founded. Supporters will receive six complimentary tickets to the Annual Christmas and Spring Concerts and invited to receptions following.
$2,000 - Monsignor Augustine Hickey Society
Monsignor Augustine Hickey served as Pastor of Saint Paul Parish for forty years and retired in 1965. An outstanding educator and liturgist, he understood the mission of the Choir School and promoted its development in its early years. Supporters will receive four complimentary tickets to the Annual Christmas and Spring Concerts and invited to receptions following.
$1,000 - Reverend Joseph Collins Society
Father Joseph Collins was associated with Saint Paul Parish for many years before becoming Pastor in 1965. An ardent liturgist and advocate of fine liturgical music, Father Collins was the catalyst who united the minds of Monsignor Hickey, Cardinal Cushing, and Theodore Marier resulting in the founding of the Choir School. Supporters will receive four complimentary tickets to the Annual Christmas and Spring Concerts and invited to receptions following.