Masterwork performance paired with lecture and open house
CAMBRIDGE, MA Issued October 1, 2021... A trio of events surrounding a Saint Paul’s Choir of Men and Boys’ concert performance on Thursday, November 18 welcomes the public for learning and entertainment to Saint Paul’s Parish, 29 Mount Auburn Street, Harvard Square, Cambridge.
First, Dr. Thomas Kelly, distinguished Harvard University professor and world-renowned expert of medieval plainchant and early music, offers a 4 pm lecture on the musical and liturgical history of the Requiem. The presentation is immediately followed by the 5 pm performance of Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem, conducted by Saint Paul’s Choir School Director of Music and Choirmaster James Kennerley, with accompaniment by Assistant Director of Music Maks Adach on Saint Paul’s majestic pipe organ. Lastly, the audience and public are encouraged to attend St. Paul’s Choir School’s adjacent Open House, immediately following the performance. The Open House is available to all from 5:30-7:30 pm. Admission to all three events is free.
Gabriel Fauré’s masterwork Requiem offers some of the most luscious and dramatic choral music of the twentieth century. Scored for Fauré’s own choir of men and boys at the magnificent church of the La Madeleine in Paris, it has endured as one of his most popular works since its debut performance in 1888. The audience will be transported by this seminal French composition immersed in the beautiful acoustic of Saint Paul's stately architecture, featuring organ and instrumental soloists. Saint Paul’s Choir of Men and Boys’ often perform in tandem, offering inspiration for growth to the boy choristers, who are all educated at Saint Paul's Choir School, adjacent to the parish.
The Fauré Requiem is beloved for its Pie Jesu movement, Latin language compositions, and the performance of the Kyrie in Koine Greek dialect. Faure himself described his Requiem as “dominated from beginning to end by a very human feeling of faith in eternal rest.”
Founded in 1963 by Dr. Theodore Marier, Saint Paul’s Choir School is a Catholic day school that prepares boys in grades 3 through 8 to succeed in the strongest secondary schools, becoming confident and virtuous leaders, to grow into compassionate adults. SPCS unites a rigorous academic and musical curriculum rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition. Within this community of faith, friendship and high expectations, students build the habits of mind and heart to rise to all of life’s demands and thrive.
Saint Paul’s Choir School’s world-class music program trains students in choral music appreciation, theory and practice, enabling them to grow as thoughtful students, disciplined performers and virtuous young men. Students sing music ranging from Gregorian chant to contemporary choir commissions to choral masterworks.
The choir provides beautiful liturgical music at daily and Sunday services at Saint Paul’s Church and have released professional recordings, including Ave Maria and Christmas in Harvard Square by Aim Higher Recordings (available at saintpaulschoirschool.us). The ensemble tours internationally and has performed alongside renowned groups such as the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
Saint Paul’s Choir School safely educated in-person during the pandemic in classrooms of 12 or fewer students, observing state health mandates. To learn more about Saint Paul’s Choir School enrollment, curriculum, programs and performances, visit saintpaulschoirschool.us, call 617-868-8658, email
admin@saintpaulschoirschool.us, or follow Saint Paul’s Choir School Harvard Square on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. For more information on Saint Paul’s Harvard Square, visit stpaulparish.org.
About Saint Paul’s Choir School
Saint Paul’s Choir School (SPCS) is the only private all-boys Catholic Choir School in the United States, serving students in grades 3 through 8. It is a vital facet of Saint Paul’s Parish in Harvard Square, Cambridge, led by Father William Kelly, Pastor, an alumnus of the school.
Uniquely integrated with music study, the school’s vigorous academic program provides an outstanding classical preparation in the liberal arts, which prepare boys well for the most competitive high schools. The positive influence derived from the study of music on other academics is clearly evident. Often families are unaware that their child is a capable singer upon entry. Students receive incomparable academic benefits through SPCS’s frequent choral practice, regular performances, and academic study of music theory. Classes
are small and motivation is high among both students and teachers, making for a lively, energetic and creative classroom environment.
To learn more about enrollment, curriculum, programs and performances, visit saintpaulschoirschool.us, call 617-868-8658, email admin@saintpaulschoirschool.us, or follow Saint Paul’s Choir School Harvard Square on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Editor’s Note: The Choir of Men and Boys of Saint Paul’s events serve the entire Greater Boston region, please publish for your readership. High resolution digital images and interviews are available upon request.
CONTACT: Michelle McGrath, PR | Media Relations
339-832-0820, michelle@mcgrathpr.com, mcgrathpr.com