Our very own fourth-grade friend and chorister, Malin, has won third place in his age-range for his poem 9/11. The poem was submitted to the Cambridge Public library among 800 others from peers across 24 different schools in the city.
Malin's poem was inspired by a family trip to New York City in which they visited the 9/11 Memorial.
His poem, titled 9/11:
When bad things
Strike upon us
In the distant rubble
There is a tree
Still alive
But almost dead
Spreading little hope
But that hope
Will soon spread
Like a spark
Beginning a new flame
For more about the Cambridge Public Library's annual Youth Poetry Awards, visit the library! View the full collection of winning submissions (54 total) here: https://www.cambridgema.gov/-/media/Files/cambridgepubliclibrary/pressreleases/allpoemswithpixprogramorder2022copy.pdf. Malin's entry is featured on page 59.
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Media Contact: Muna Kangsen, Manager of Communications, Programs and Events Office: 857-235-9809 | Mobile: 857-259-0065 | mkangsen@cambridgema.gov